Artist Registry Application Form
- Districts require you to familiarize yourself with “Policy 701 – Policy for the Protection of Pupil” and to successfully complete and submit a copy of the signed “Policy 701 Validation Questionnaire Results” which can be accessed here. ***Please include a signed copy of your Policy 701 Validation Questionnaire certificate showing a 100% pass score with this form.
- Failure to comply with the requirements of this program could result in your name being removed from the registry and refusal from future participation in the program.
- Upon acceptance, inclusion for artist registry will be valid for 3 years. After 3 years, artists must renew their profile and provide us with updated information as needed to remain on the registry.
- All fields must be filled out for the candidacy to be considered.
- Please ensure information provided is accurate as this will be included in your artist profile on the Artist Registry
Frequently Ask Questions
collectionArtNB currently has approximately 960 pieces of artwork in our collection. These have been acquired throughout the past 50 years.
If your project is no longer taking place, it’s critical that you contact the program officer as soon as possible to notify us. Depending on the situation, we can advise you of next steps. To proceed with withdrawing the project, you will need to send a cheque for the grant amount made payable to “Minister of Finance” no later than March 1. Indicate on the cheque memo or attach a letter for what program the amount is for and mail to:
Arts and Cultural Industries Branch
Dept. of Tourism, Heritage and Culture
Attention: Janey Johnston
Marysville Place (4th floor)
P. O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1
Typically, an applicant may submit once to a grant program per fiscal year with the exception of the Strategic Initiative Fund. Please review each program guidelines for details.
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Discover the entire collectionArtNB collection; explore 910 artworks and 397 New Brunswick artists.