Artist Registry


Art Discipline(s)
  • Visual Arts
Lower Coverdale | (506) 386-1310

Preferred School District(s)
  • ASD-East
Preferred Grade Level(s)
  • 9-12
Can provide residency in
  • English
Indigenous Artist
  • No
Completed Policy 701
  • Yes


I have been creating art as far back as my early childhood and it has been a defining element of my life ever since. Canada's Maritime provinces surround me with beautiful landscapes and seascapes which are a never-ending source of inspiration and are the cornerstone of my work. The style I'm best known for is high realism expressed in watercolour. In addition to Maritime landscapes and landmarks, I often paint, by request, pictures of people's homes, businesses, customized cars, etc. I am often commissioned to do charcoal portraits of people and even their pets. Besides selling my original landscapes I regularly sell framed reproductions of them. It has been my experience that an original painting will increase in value as it becomes more widely recognized through its reproductions. Living in the Maritime provinces provides an artist with a constant source of esthetic inspiration. It is simply a beautiful region of Canada in which to live, to vacation and indeed, to paint.

Residency Project

My life has been enriched by my choice from childhood to pursue a life in the arts. I have followed that path through my teens and into adulthood both as a university student and into my chosen lifelong career as an artist it has been truly fulfilling. My goal in this "Artist in Residency" program would be first and foremost to inspire the students to tap into their "creative adrenalin" whenever possible. it is how great paintings and great symphonies are composed; it could be someday how global warming is reversed. After introducing myself and showing some samples in a variety of graphics I have done, we would begin the project. I would work ahead of them and coach them in a pencil layout and watercolour painting of one of my landscape paintings. I would first demonstrate each technique involved and they would follow step-by-step until completion. It would well fill the allotted time for this project. If you wish to see the subject matter of this project, please visit my Facebook page and look for a painting entitled “The Old Elm”.

Teaching Experience

28 years teaching art courses to groups of children (ages 10-12); Freehand Drawing.

Teaching Drawing and Watercolour to teens & adults. Two separate courses; Freehand Drawing & Watercolour Painting.

Supply Teacher for School District 2 (from Sept. 1996 —Jun. 2001) — Often but not exclusively subbing for art teachers in the system.

Guest Artist & lecturer at various venues:

  • Petitcodiac Regional School (circa 2001)
  • Moncton City Hall council chambers regarding Robert Bateman Contest: Guest lecturer and teacher; demonstrating art techniques
  • Completed an Artist in Residency Project in 2019 working at Claude D. Taylor School in Riverview and Hillcrest School in Moncton. The “Lead Teacher” in this project was Timna Briggs, Art Teacher at Claude D. Taylor School.

Frequently Ask Questions

Application forms no longer require a written signature. However, in lieu of this, applicants must check the box at the end of the application form to acknowledge that the information provided in the application is accurate and complete.

Yes, you may contact the program officer responsible for the program to get feedback on your application if you are not successful. Jury comments may also be shared for juried programs.

Applications must be emailed to

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