
Lynn Wigginton

Lynn Wigginton

  • Saint John, New Brunswick
  • Canadian
Schools / Studies
  • Mount Allison University (74')
  • Studied with David Silverberg; Lawren P. Harris; E. B. Pulford; Colin Campbell; and George Thiessen

I am fascinated by the relationships people have with where they live. As Robert Macfarlane says, in his book 'The Old Ways - A Journey on Foot', I seek out "the subtle ways in which we are shaped by the landscapes in which we move."

Clearly, A strong 'sense of place' underlies my artistic expression. My feelings of attachment to, and growing appreciation for, the particular geography, geology, flora, fauna, history and culture of New Brunswick have been enlarged by my interactions with its landscape. My paintings and prints are personal artistic responses to these experiences.

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collectionArtNB currently has approximately 960 pieces of artwork in our collection. These have been acquired throughout the past 50 years.

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